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It can feel like social media is the only way to grow your business, but Monica Schrock is here to tell us why that’s just not true.
In this episode, Monica is sharing five ways to be less dependent on social media including relationship marketing, email marketing, creating marketing goals, brand messaging, and creating a website. Monica also shared a prediction for marketing in 2022.
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about marketing but you don’t know where to start, this episode is perfect for you. Get ready to take some notes and you’ll walk away from this episode with a whole bunch of actionable steps that you can take to expand your marketing.
In 2005, Monica was going to college and playing basketball and the time came to choose a career. They chose marketing because it sounded fun, having no idea that it would stick! After college, Monica moved to Los Angeles and hit the ground running to start the next chapter of their life. It was 2008, smack dab in the middle of an economic crisis. They couldn’t find work, so they served tables and took the projects that came their way. To this day, they’ve never worked in marketing for a big corporation and they love that. For 13 years, they’ve been able to contract for and work with large and small nonprofits and businesses, learning so much about marketing and copywriting and how to do both with less manipulation.
Monica has run a vegan body care line, a lifestyle blog, and a personal brand. They’ve worked with global nonprofits, small businesses, marketing agencies, and people paving their own way. They’ve helped over 200 people, brands, and organizations craft their brand message and increase their sales or donations from double to over ten times.
What We Cover in This Episode:
- Relationship marketing
- Email marketing
- Creating measurable marketing goals
- Brand messaging
- The importance of having a newsletter
- Why you shouldn’t be dependent on social media
- Bringing holistic marketing and messaging to a manipulation-heavy industry
- The role of trends in marketing
- Building a sustainable business that isn’t based on trends
- Showing up for and giving back to your community
- Why you should consider creating a website
This episode is packed full of value. I’m so excited for you to learn from Monica’s legacy and I hope you take a lot away from what they have to share.
If you want to scale your business and create a legacy that is sustainable, abundant, and enriching, without playing by other people’s rules, go to where you can schedule a call with me to see if the Legacy Lifestyle Inner Circle is a good fit for you.
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Monica:
Business Without the Buts Podcast: Spotify and Apple
Where We Can Connect:
Apply to schedule a call to see if the Legacy Lifestyle Inner Circle is a good fit for you
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