96: How to Brace Yourself for Q4


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In the States, Labor Day which means summer is UNOFFICIALLY over…

This means the real work is here –getting ready for Q4.

Q4 is the busiest time of year for me and my clients where:

  • Companies are working on hitting their numbers
  • Holidays are coming up so getting ready to deal with triggering family members
  • And more importantly making sure to have enough time for sanity lol

So how do you get ready?

For me I have been using all summer prepping myself for Q4 by: 

  • Updating my systems 
  • Improving my own knowledge and skills by obtaining my PCC coaching certification with the International Coaching Federation as I’ve been working with more companies and executives.
  • Looking at my numbers and making changes. For example, I have deleted a bunch of expenses because I didn’t hit the numbers I wanted in the beginning of the year.

There’s been loads of updates and changes I’ve been doing behind the scenes to get ready for Q4, and I share more in my podcast.


What We Cover in This Episode: 


  • Review Goals: Revisit your yearly personal and business goals
  • The importance of being self-aware and leaning into what’s making you feel uncomfortable
  • How to look at your numbers to create aligned change

If you would like to see how to work with me to create a more sustainable life where you can be more present with yourself and create your own checklist of success that’s not created by society and loved ones, then schedule a complimentary legacy business and career review at elainelou.com/call

Resources Mentioned:

Episode 95. How I reduced 50% of my Business Expenses and How You can too and a business update
Episode 38. Part 2. One Year Later, How I Became Less Dependent on Social Media with Monica Schrock
Episode 61. How I Became #1 on Google, and how you can too with Andres Aguero

Where We Can Connect:

Apply to the Business & Career Mastermind: elainelou.com/mastermind
Schedule a Business & Career Audit call with me to see if it’s a good fit to work together: elainelou.com/call
Follow the Podcast on Apple: WOC and Allies: Business and Career Realtalk
Follow the Podcast on Spotify: WOC and Allies: Business and Career Realtalk
Follow Elaine on Instagram: @elainelou_
Connect with Elaine on LinkedIn: Elaine Lou Cartas
Check out our other podcasts for Women of Color

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