95: How I Reduced 50% of My Business Expenses and How You can too, and a Business Update


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The beginning of the year, it was tough. I wasn’t hitting the revenue I needed, and my profit margins weren’t sexy at all. I had to put my ego in check and make some hard decisions and conversations.

The result → I reduced 50% of my expenses and now this year I am projected to have the highest revenue, and more importantly PROFIT MARGINS!

How am I celebrating this? Well, I was just with my dad for a week where I was able to help him with recovery after his 2nd knee surgery.

His recovery is going so well especially with the love surrounding him. We even got my nephew to be his physical therapist lol.

This past year, I’ve talked to more people—myself included—about how tight money has been cause of:

  • Inflation
  • Elections
  • And for those of us who are Millennials and Gen Xers — we’re juggling finances with our kids and parents.

We were taught to hustle, work a lot, THEN the money will come.

But I want to challenge you — hard work doesn’t mean working more hours.

The REAL hard work is building a better relationship with money.

In my 95th podcast episode, I talk about, “How I reduced 50% of my expenses, how keeping up with the Jones’ was affecting me and business updates”

So you might be wondering what has been the results of reducing my expenses by 50% and simplifying my business?

This past week while I was with my dad in surgery without even promoting anything on social media or emails I had 8 sales calls scheduled.

Here’s the receipts so you know I ain’t lyin.

Also, don’t get it twisted despite getting all these sales calls in, we are selective with who we work with. We take great care in selecting clients who are genuinely committed to their results, and our reputation depends on the success of our clients. So if you are committed you can apply to work with me and my team by scheduling a call here.

What We Cover in This Episode:

  • The Importance of Going Back to Basics
  • How to Adjust Your Offer
  • How to Simplify and Streamline Your Operations for Better Profit Margins
  • A Change in my Business

If you would like to see how to work with me to create a more sustainable life where you can be more present with yourself and create your own checklist of success that’s not created by society and loved ones, then schedule a complimentary legacy business and career review at elainelou.com/call

Resources Mentioned:

Evolved Finance

Where We Can Connect:

Apply to the Business & Career Mastermind: elainelou.com/mastermind
Schedule a Business & Career Audit call with me to see if it’s a good fit to work together: elainelou.com/call
Follow the Podcast on Apple: WOC and Allies: Business and Career Realtalk
Follow the Podcast on Spotify: WOC and Allies: Business and Career Realtalk
Follow Elaine on Instagram: @elainelou_
Connect with Elaine on LinkedIn: Elaine Lou Cartas
Check out our other podcasts for Women of Color

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