Need support in your business, career, life or just all the thangs!? It's okay I got'chu!
How to Scale a Business
Scaling your business should mean doing less and living more. Most business owners start their business journey with hopes of creating more time, freedom and a more sustainable life that they didn’t receive from their past jobs. Unfortunately, sometimes business...
What Is an Executive Presence
Sylvia Ann Hewlitt, credited for the first use of the term ‘executive presence’, and author of the book Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success says, “the way to be seen as ‘leadership material’ is to be compelling, credible, and very concise.”...
6 Ways to Build an Organic Relationship
Keith Ferrazzi, author of the book Never Eat Alone said: "The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity." As a business and career coach that has served over 600 clients to create sustainable businesses and careers, there has been nothing more...
Importance Of Culture In The Workplace
A 2015 study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that companies that value and prioritize a positive work culture experience significantly less employee turnover than organizations with a negative or weak company culture. And in a study from Harvard...
Situational Awareness in Leadership
Did you just realize you snapped at a team member and need to know how to apologize? How do you let go of a team member? Did you just have a difficult conversation with a prospective client and don’t think you can work with them cause they don’t align with your...
Meaning Of A Hostile Work Environment
A staggering 41% of women feel that they’ve been harassed at work. I know, it’s an uncomfortable reality check, especially because 78% of accused harassers are men and 73% are in a senior position to the accuser. Hello, power dynamics.As a leadership and executive...
Advice to Women in Sales
Did you know in a recent study women outperform men in closing deals, hitting their sales goals, and lead more successful sales teams? Despite these amazing results, women are still paid less and hold fewer leadership positions than men in sales. In fact, the U.S....
Overcoming Barriers in Female Leadership
As a business and career coach for women of color, I have seen firsthand the unique challenges that women face in achieving leadership parity with their male counterparts. Despite progress towards gender equality in the workplace, women continue to face barriers to...
The Importance of Accountability in Leadership
Effective leaders understand that accountability is a critical aspect of leadership and leadership development programs. When you accept responsibility for your actions, regularly review progress with team members, and provide and receive constructive feedback, you...