So you’ve started to really excel in your career and you’re taking on more work, more responsibility, and more supervision–congrats! While you may be thrilled with the new opportunity, there’s no doubt that being a high-level leader presents new challenges that...
If you’ve been a part of my community of Legacy Makers for any amount of time now, then you’ll know that in this corner of the business and career world, we’re all about breaking down societal expectations to create a life, legacy, and business that truly reflects...
This year I celebrated 5 years of being a Business Coach for Women of Color and Allies. Looking back through my journey, I’m able to reflect on what went exactly to plan and where my business took a few surprise turns. As my clients know, I’m a huge proponent of...
While we have made some progress to level the playing field between men and women in the workplace, women, especially women of color, are still vastly behind when it comes to negotiation power. Whether you’re looking at negotiation bias against women (research...
I’ve been a business and career coach for women of color and allies for over 5 years now and have helped 500+ clients build the business, career, life and/or coaching business of their dreams. But let me be honest and share that behind every successful coach or...